Tag Archives: recommended level

Recommended Level

Recommended Level, was my most successful WoW mod, today it is still being used and maintained by other users of the World of Warcraft community. Well I was in control of Recommended Level it was probably download close to 500,000 times by users all of the world!!

It definitely feels good to have that kind of success!! 馃檪


Displays a color coded zone ranage for the current zone you are in:路 Green: Prefect for you
路 Yellow: Almost ready for you
路 Red: Too high for you
路 Gray: Too low for you

Also the tooltip gives you a quick reference, on what levels are good for you, and wheather or not there is any instances in that zone.

World map also has this information, when rolling over zones you will get the level range for the zone and if there is any instances in that zone.

Bringing Up the UI Window:
Right Click on Recommend Level or type聽/brlconfig to open the config menu or if your using MyAddons you can get to the menu through there.

路 Show Zone you are in the zone frame
路 UI Window type ‘/brlconfig’
路 myAddOns compatible
路 Control position of tooltip (left/right, top/bottom)
路 Hide or Show Frame
路 Hide or Show Tooltip
路 Hide or Show Map Text
路 Alpha fade the border to desired shade.
路 French Translation: Done by聽Corwin Whitehorse thanks.
路 German Translation: Done by聽GermanWraith and聽Farook thank guys.
路 SpanishTranslation: Done by聽Nekromant thanks.

Additional Notes:
If you are loggin on to the game and you are located inside an inn the information given is not correct. When you leave the inn the information will be update to the correct stats.