Author Archives: Bhaldie

WoW Realm Status

My lasted World of Warcraft mod/addon was completed recently. I decided to make it because I had just gotten back from Adobe Max in San Francisco, and wanted to make something using Adobe AIR and figured a Realm Status app would be pretty cool.

I used 2 Adobe produces I had never used before for this application, one begin AIR and the other being Flex. I must say Flex is very easy to use, I definitely liked it…. but I still like Flash, maybe because I’ve used it for so long, I’m just more confortable with it. Anyway my experience was good with both AIR and Flex and I would definitely use them both again.


WoW Realm Status is a desktop application that monitors the Blizzard realm status rss feed and notifies you when the status of your watched realms have changed.

You can be notified in 2 ways with a Pop-up Window on your desktop informing you that your realm status has changed and with E-mail notification with the same information.

WoW Realm Status minimizes to the system tray for a lower profile when in use.


WoW Realm Status uses Adobe Air 1.5 Runtime Enviroment, to use WoW Realm Status you must first have Adobe Air 1.5 Installed, you can find Adobe Air 1.5 here it is a free download and the file is is about 15MB.

You must also be connected to the internet for status updates to occur, but if your playing WoW I assume you have an internet connection.

If you are interested in WoW Realm Status it can be found here.

Recommended Level

Recommended Level, was my most successful WoW mod, today it is still being used and maintained by other users of the World of Warcraft community. Well I was in control of Recommended Level it was probably download close to 500,000 times by users all of the world!!

It definitely feels good to have that kind of success!! 🙂


Displays a color coded zone ranage for the current zone you are in:· Green: Prefect for you
· Yellow: Almost ready for you
· Red: Too high for you
· Gray: Too low for you

Also the tooltip gives you a quick reference, on what levels are good for you, and wheather or not there is any instances in that zone.

World map also has this information, when rolling over zones you will get the level range for the zone and if there is any instances in that zone.

Bringing Up the UI Window:
Right Click on Recommend Level or type /brlconfig to open the config menu or if your using MyAddons you can get to the menu through there.

· Show Zone you are in the zone frame
· UI Window type ‘/brlconfig’
· myAddOns compatible
· Control position of tooltip (left/right, top/bottom)
· Hide or Show Frame
· Hide or Show Tooltip
· Hide or Show Map Text
· Alpha fade the border to desired shade.
· French Translation: Done by Corwin Whitehorse thanks.
· German Translation: Done by GermanWraith and Farook thank guys.
· SpanishTranslation: Done by Nekromant thanks.

Additional Notes:
If you are loggin on to the game and you are located inside an inn the information given is not correct. When you leave the inn the information will be update to the correct stats.


BhaldieInfoBar was a Titan Panel alternative I made, it had limited success, Titan Panel was the number one Panel and probably still is and BiB (short for BhaldieInfoBar) just could compete with that powerhouse. 

Anyway BiB did okay I ported over about 100 Titan panel addons and created a website to host the ported addons, before BiB was retired near the start of the second year of WoW.  Modding was fun, and I got to learn a new scripting language in the process too LUA, oh sweet LUA!!  

BiB and BhaldieMoveIT had about 200,000 downloads between the 2 of them.  It was no MonkeyQuest thou, shout outs to my bhuddy!! aka Trentin aka Dudicle aka 8haldie!!


BhaldieInfoBar is a Titan Panel offshoot, the difference is that BhaldieInfobar autoscales the bar
according to the UI Scale and/or screen resolution you use, this means your plugins will never
run off the screen now matter what UI Scale you are using. BhaldieInfoBar has the functionality
to make two rows of plugins right now, next version will incorporate a multi-row functionality. Some
of the options of BhaldieInfobar are:


· Change the XP bar into a Reputaion Bar
· Saved Profiles
· Autohide the bar
· Volume Control, which is a altered version of Titan Volume2. Rightclicking on the BM Logo will bring up volume control
· Either Left justify or Center the plugins on the bar
· Hide/Show all default plugins icons or labels
· Option to reset all setting to default
· Hide/Show BM Logo
· Compatiable with CT_UnitFrames, Gypsy_UnitBars, DiscordUnitFrames
· Auto size infobar to any screen resolution or UI scale
· Ability to have a maxium of 6 rows of plugins.
· Invert infobar to bottom of screen
· Per character saved variables for plugin position and enabling/disabling.
· BhaldieInfobar (default plugins)
· Infobar Alpha fade.
· Change spacing of plugins width
· Change font size of plugins
· Change size of XP Bar width
· Hide xp bar
· Click on the bm logo or type /bmconfig to open UI Menu
· Added and Updated ported titan plugins:

Here is the link to one of the mod sites I uploaded it to wowui

BhaldieMoveIT:Perfect Flexbar Companion

Back in the day, I dabbled in WoW mods this is the first one I did, I no longer maintain it which is the case for all of my WoW mods.  World of Warcraft was or is a great game I just got bore of it 🙁


BhaldieMoveIT for World of Warcraft is a perfect Flexbar companion. This mod breaks up many components on the UI interface and makes them moveable. This is very useful with Flexbar because you can put your buttons wherever you want, and move or disable the other UI components to match your Flexbar setup, not the other way around.

· Type /bmconfig to open UI menu
· Disable/Enable and Moveable Bag Bar.
· Disable/Enable and Moveable Charter Mini Bar.
· Disable/Enable and Moveable Pet Bar.
· Disable/Enable Default Action Menu.
· Disable/Enable and Moveable Bag Status Bar.
· Disable/Enable and Moveable Shape Shift Bar.
· Disable/Enable and Moveable Cast Bar.
· Moveable Bags, Option to turn off or on.

Here is the link to one of the mod sites I uploaded it to wowui

Carnival Craze, a 3D iPhone App

Carnival Craze is the first iPhone application I had worked on, and I hope it won’t be my last. iPhone game development and flash game development, in my opinion go hand in hand.  Many other flash game developer are jumping onto the iPhone after having a successful flash game. I hope I can follow 😉

This is the flash version of the game which was made after the iPhone game, and was given to the Family Channel for use on there website.  It has the general look and feel of the game, except its NOT 3D.

Play Carnival Craze!!

The text below is the press release for Cranival Craze, which caught some buzz at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Press Release

Canadian kids’ broadcaster Family Channel, the Sheridan Visualization Design Institute and Spatial View Inc. have collaborated, through an Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) project, to create a glasses-free 3D mini game for the Apple iPhone.

The result of the collaboration is a proof-of-concept mini game, unveiled today at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Carnival Craze can be played and viewed in natural 3D, without glasses, on an Apple iPhone, equipped with a 3DeeShell from Toronto-based Spatial View.

“Spatial View Inc. is extremely enthusiastic about our participation in the OCE project with the Sheridan Visualization Design Institute and Family Channel,” said Brad Casemore, Spatial View’s Vice President Business Development. “It’s exciting to be able to work with these two great organizations on this project that advances our technology. As a result of this project, Spatial View will be able to identify improvements for the software and visualization tools we provide to 3D game developers and content creators, helping to reduce the costs and time-to-market associated with visually compelling content that can be viewed naturally in 3D.”

“We are excited to extend Family Channel’s engagement with young Canadians to include the development of innovative gaming on this highly interactive platform,” said Barbara Bailie, Director, Interactive, Astral Television Networks. “Gaming remains the most popular activity on our website,, so we’re keen to extend our reach into gaming by having our Ontario-based Interactive team work closely with cutting-edge developers to deliver Family’s Never A Dull Moment experience to kids on the move.”

Spatial View provided its 3DeeShell, a protective iPhone case equipped with a special 3D viewing lens, as well as a software development kit (SDK). Spatial View also provided advisory and collaborative support to the project.

The Sheridan Visualization Design Institute designed and developed the game and refined the SDK working collaboratively with Spatial View’s development team. Family Channel provided sponsorship, creative and brand direction based on their team’s expertise in game-play for audiences aged eight to 14.

“This applied research project aligns Sheridan’s research goals with the business objectives of industry partners” said Director, Julia Walden. “By leveraging collaborating companies’ investment of cash and expertise, OCE has the right strategy to ensure that funding is available so that Sheridan’s students can apply sound academic methods to practical industry projects.”

“The project’s success also required three dimensions,” said John MacRitchie, Director of Business Development for OCE’s Centre of Excellence for Communications and Information Technology. “Spatial View, and Sheridan Visualization Design Institute each bring unique expertise to the table to build a leading edge, 3D digital media experience. OCE is proud to seed a project that fuses innovative technology, creative content and the skills to integrate them into an exciting, new application.”

About Family Channel
Family Channel is a premium, commercial-free network offering the best in family television entertainment in 5.8 million homes across Canada. With nearly a million unique visitors a month, is one of the most popular kids’ sites in Canada. Providing frequently updated, high-quality content, is an online destination for kids and families. In addition to its games pages, features contests, full-episode streams, video podcasts and program mini-sites.

Family Channel, an Astral Media Television Network; Astral Media is a leading Canadian media company, active in specialty and pay television, radio, outdoor advertising and iMedia. Astral Media’s solid and dynamic presence in the country’s major markets rests on its commitment to offer a unique combination of high-quality, targeted media for all its audiences.

About Sheridan Visualization Design Institute
Sheridan Visualization Design Institute conducts applied research within the Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, and is dedicated to innovation in computer visualization specializing in deploying game technologies to create 3-D, real-time, environments. Situated within the Sheridan high tech animation teaching environment in Ontario, Canada, the research team has a ten-year track record of collaboration with industry and academic partners.

About Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Inc.
drives the commercialization of cutting-edge research across key market sectors to build the economy of tomorrow and secure Ontario’s global competitiveness. In doing this, OCE fosters the training and development of the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs and is a key partner with Ontario’s industry, universities, colleges, research hospitals, investors and governments. OCE’s five Centres work in communications and information technology, earth and environmental technologies, energy, materials and manufacturing and photonics. OCE is funded in part by the government of Ontario and is a key partner in delivering Ontario’s Innovation Agenda.

About Spatial View Inc.
Spatial View, Inc. (SVI) is a pioneer in 3D image processing and auto stereoscopic displays. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Spatial View has offices in San Francisco, Hong Kong and Dresden. With the registered consumer brand Wazabee, the international team develops products that transcend the boundaries of 2D imaging, opening new dimensions and interactive solutions in medicine, engineering, advertising, gaming and entertainment. The company’s vision is to make 3D more accessible, affordable, versatile, and inspiring. With the SVI family of software and a variety of high quality glasses-free 3D displays, Spatial View offers a wealth of adaptable solutions enabling the presentation of 3D rich content of all types for specialty as well as the consumer mass market. The first Wazabee products: 3DeeShell, 3DeeFlector and the 19-inch-Gaming Display, will be presented in early 2009.